how does family reunification work?

Family reunification allows beneficiaries of international protection (refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, stateless persons) to bring back close family members who have remained in another country. Family reunification only applies to families that already existed BEFORE the asylum application and that have been declared to OFPRA (marriage celebrated in another country or child born before having the positive response from OFPRA or CNDA). If you got married AFTER your asylum application, family reunification is not possible, but you can apply for « family reunification ».

To bring your family to France, there are two procedures depending on your situation in France and the situation of your family in the country of origin.

– OFPRA family reunification.
– OFII family regroupment 

What are the steps?

Applying for a visa

Your family members must apply for a long-stay visa at the French Embassy or Consulate closest to their place of residence (by enquiring beforehand about how to secure an appointment on (

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